Reflection on Amal Totkay
When I read this AMAL Totkay the first time. Zubaida Appa Totkays Come in my mind.
Amal Academy has given me a platform to find myself. Today I have learned about Amal Totkay. Each and every totka will lead you to success. They are basically a solution to our daily life problems. These Totkay are mentioned as:
The conversations you have with yourself are a direct reflection of your mindset. and you realize your mistakes and you will start working on them and finally, you will say yes I did.
Get out of your comfort zone
It’s natural to want a comfortable life. We’re wired to avoid things that are frightening, uncomfortable or painful, and to seek to make our lives as easy as possible. But comfort doesn’t lead to growth. So come out of your comfort zone. Do not hesitate to try new things. Make a habit to explore new things.
If you want something in your life you have never had. you will have to do something you have never done. (JD Houston)
Create a new Habit
Forming good habits is a reliably effective way to grow into your best self and achieve your overall goals.No matter what you want with your life or how you want to change it, good habits can help you.
Ask people help
Ask people for help means taking constructive feedback. It is providing useful comments and suggestions that contribute to a positive outcome, a better process or improved behaviours. It provides encouragement, support, corrective measures and direction to the person receiving it.
Have constructive feedback on your work and seek help to improve it.
Fake it until you make it
It is like a law of attraction, if I have a dream of becoming someone then I have to act like it. Adopting the daily habits of people that I like, will help me to become like that person.
What were their fav tips?
- Create New Habit: Creating a new habit is very important for a better transition from a fixed to a growth mindset. A person can learn and achieve only if they come out from comfort zone.
- Self Talk: Talking to yourself along with positive affirmations help you untwisted your thoughts.
Implementation of Amal Totkay
I have started following time table and noting down my daily learnings. Amal Academy has taught me that you cannot achieve anything in your comfort zone. Be confident to yourself and say, yes I can do it.
Thank u Guys for Reading this…
Thanks AMAL Academy